1231 CE Online (1)

The fiberoptic bundle should be checked for “peppering” or black dots or shadowy areas on the light post due to broken fibers. Check the fiberoptic bundles by performing the following steps. 1. Connect the endoscope to a portable light source, if available. 2. If a light source is not available, hold the light post toward a bright light to observe the light emitted from the objective lens and direct the objective lens toward a bright light and observe the light post. If black dots cover more than 30% of the light post, the endoscope should be sent in for repair or replacement (see Figure 8). The greater the blackened area, the dimmer the light will be during surgery. Figure 8 – Light Post with Broken Fibers

See Section on “REPAIRS” for proper protocol for preparing and shipping endoscopes for repair. Packaging for Sterilization A rigid endoscope may be wrapped separately or containerized with other instruments, as prescribed by the manufacturer or by the facility’s procedure. Endoscopes added to a tray with other instruments need to be protected so no other instruments are allowed to bump into or rest on top of the endoscope. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for the best packaging options. Details regarding sterilization and high-level disinfection are addressed in a later section of this educational activity. Transport to Clean or Sterile Storage Transport the clean endoscope that has been either disinfected or immediate-use sterilized to clean storage. Secure the clean, dry endoscope in a clean storage area that prevents cross-contamination or damage during storage. Ensure the endoscope has been labeled with the requisite reprocessing information before storage.


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