1231 CE Online (1)

The automated machines can be referred to as an AER (Automatic Endoscope Reprocessor) or an ECR (Endoscope Cleaner Reprocessor) and are designed for further cleaning and disinfecting. Some machines will only perform disinfection, some will perform sterilization (STERIS System 1E), and some will do all the steps: leakage testing, cleaning, disinfection and drying (ECR). Perform the following steps before using an automated machine. 1. Ensure that the machine has been approved by the flexible endoscope’s manufacturer. 2. Manually perform a leakage test before manual cleaning and manually clean before placing the flexible endoscope into a machine. 3. Ensure that all users understand the capability of the machine; don’t use a machine to clean and disinfect when the intent of the machine is only to disinfect. 4. Ensure that the operating steps, chemicals used, and quality tests for the machine are all performed according the machine manufacturer’s instructions. Not all endoscopes are validated for all the various types of automatic reprocessing machines (AER, ECR, STERIS System 1E, etc.). Always refer to the endoscope manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that the machine is safe to use for the flexible endoscope. Drying the Channels Prior to Assembly Dry the channels with a filtered, compressed air device or a syringe. Be sure to stay within the pressure limits set forth by the manufacturer for a compressed air device. Pressure that is too high can tear the interior wall of the channel. It is recommended to flush the channels with denatured alcohol for optimal drying. Dry the outside of the endoscope with a soft cloth. A drying cabinet also can be used to dry the endoscope (see Figure 15). Hang the flexible endoscope in a vertical position and leave it in the cabinet for the time recommended by the cabinet’s manufacturer. Figure 15 – Hang a Flexible Endoscope in a Drying Cabinet


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